Personal Preferences and Settings

The layout of My Home page cannot be altered. However, there are many ways to personalize your experience with eLC, such as changing the appearance of certain widgets and updating your settings and preferences. The aspects in the following documentation can be customized.

Learn about:

Account Settings

1. The Account Settings dropdown menu has a number of settings and preferences to personalize your experience with eLC. These include uploading a profile picture in the Profile area, changing the font size, setting your online visibility when you are logged in, and setting up your notifications. This dropdown menu can be accessed by clicking your profile picture and name.

Account Settings Dropdown Menu

2. Profile

Editing your profile allows you to share a chosen profile picture, create a Nickname, and insert social network, contact, and personal information. To edit your profile, first click your profile picture and name. From the dropdown menu, select Profile.


3. Notifications

Notifications alert you to activity within your eLC courses. You can choose to receive a periodic summary of activity or instant notifications as things happen. To change your notification preferences, first click your profile picture and name. From the dropdown menu, select Notifications.

For more information on setting up notifications, please visit the Setting Up Notification page.


4. Account Settings

Account Settings allows you to change his or her password and other various settings including Font, Dialog, HTML Editor, Video, Reading Content, Locale & Language, Online Availability, Time Zone, Application Settings, and Binder.

Account Settings

5. The following steps demonstrate how to change Font Settings and Online Availability.

To change the Font Settings, in order to improve readability, first click on your profile picture and name. From the dropdown menu, select Account Settings. Under Font Settings, select a font size: Small, Medium, Large, or Huge. 

Font Settings

6. Under Readability, you may select the option to Use the OpenDyslexic font to improve readability. This font was created to help prevent the brain from flipping and swapping letters. 

7. To change your Online Availability, first click your profile picture and name. From the dropdown menu, select Account Settings. Under Signing In, select your Online Status: Appear online (when I'm logged in) or Always appear offline. When you're logged into the system you are shown as "online" in Instant Messages and Classlist tools. If you don't want other users to know when you are logged in select Always appear offline.

Online Availability

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The appearance of certain widgets can be altered slightly to best serve your needs while navigating eLC. Some widgets can even be collapsed to save screen space.


1. The Announcements Widget

The Announcements Widget shows announcements from the institutional level. You can dismiss these from My Home. To dismiss an announcement, click the X located to the right of the particular announcement you would like to dismiss.

The Announcements Widget

2. As long as they have not expired, you can restore dismissed announcments again. To do this, first click the dropdown menu next to Announcements. Then, select Go to Announcements Tool. When you have been redirected to the Announcements Tool, click the drop down arrow next to a dismissed announcement and select Restore.

Renew Announcements

3. My Courses Widget

The appearance of the My Courses widget depends on the number of courses in which you are enrolled. If you have 12 or fewer courses, you will see them all as "tiles" in the My Courses widget. 

View All Courses

4. If you have 13 or more courses, you will only see courses that you have "pinned" from the Waffle menu. To pin a course, click on the Waffle menu and search for the course. When the course appears, click the Pushpin Icon to the right of the course name. You should also see a link to View All Courses at the bottom of the My Courses widget.

My Courses Button

5. You can unpin a course from the Waffle menu or from the My Courses widget. To unpin a course from My Courses, click the dropdown menu, located in the upper right hand corner of each course tile. Then, select Unpin. 

Unpinning a Course

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