
Zoom is an online meeting tool that allows for video or audio conferencing from desktops or mobile devices. Zoom features include video conferencing, VOIP or telephone audio, desktop sharing and collaboration tools, as well as personalized desktop control.

Additional support for Zoom can be found on the EITS Zoom help page, via Zoom support, and/or by contacting your unit-level Zoom administrator.

Schedule a Meeting

Follow these steps to schedule a meeting in Zoom.

1. Click the Zoom menu on the eLC homepage and choose Manage Zoom Account to login to Zoom using UGA SSO. You can also login by going to zoom.uga.edu and clicking the Sign in button.

Zoom menu on eLC homepage navbar

2. Click Meetings on the left side to see a list of your Zoom meetings. Click Schedule a New Meeting to set up a new meeting.

List of zoom meetings in the account

3. Enter a Topic (Name) for the meeting, set a time, and choose if this will be a recurring meeting. Make sure that Meeting ID is set to Generate Automatically so that a unique meeting is created.

Details of zoom meeting

4. Check Require meeting password to make the meeting more secure. Once you have finished making any other changes to meeting settings, click Save.

Settings of your zoom meeting

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Add a Link to a Zoom Meeting to an eLC Course

1. Click a meeting in the Meetings list to go to the Meeting Information page. This page will also be shown after you create a meeting. Copy the Join URL next to Invite Attendees – this is the link which students will use to join the meeting.

Zoom meeting information

Add the Join URL which you copied to your eLC course. You can create an announcementadd a link to your course navbar, or create a link in Content.


Additional Resources

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